Project meeting in Freiberg, Germany

On February 5th, 2024, the forth face-to-face meeting of all project partners took place at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF). It was time for an intensive exchange on the project results, and share ideas for the future development. After presentation of the work progress, TUBAF opened its new laboratories for the partners. In the second part of the day, the group had a chance to visit magnificent Terra Mineralia and enjoyed the guided tour through Freiberg at night.
Annual Status Report 2023

On November 6th 2023, IMMENSE team gave a public online presentation for the industrial community. The purpose of this event was to inform about intermediate results and important achievements of the first year of the project. The online meeting attracted representatives from industries.
The following achievements in the IMMENSE were highlighted:
- Enhanced swelling, thermal and conductivity performance of commercial ionomers with new functionalization
- Direct immobilization of growing nanoparticles on carbon support material
- Inkjet printed CCMs fabricated by direct deposition for different types of membranes
- In terms of performance, inkjet-printed layers are comparable to ultrasonically-sprayed ones
- Market analysis: By reducing the amount of catalyst, the production cost of the fuel cell will be reduced
The targets in the next phase of the IMMENSE will be:
- Synthesis of high Tg and conductive biopolymers
- Homogeneous particle size distribution on the carbon support for best catalytic performance
- Improved ink formulation and printing results for inkjet printing
- Development of simulation models
- Improving production process for new bipolar plates
If you would like to receive the slides of presentation or to be invited for the next public presentation, you can contact us through contact page.
Project meeting in Prague, Czech Republic

On August 1st and 2nd, 2023, the third face-to-face meeting of all project partners took place at the University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT) in Prague. It was time for an intensive exchange of the project progress, complementing the regular online meetings.
The project partner UCT opened its laboratories and offered a guided tour of the historic city of Prague in the evening.
Project meeting in San Sebastián, Spain

Starting from 06th of March until 07th of March 2023 all project partners from IMMENSE met in San Sebastián at Polymat institute which belongs to EHU (Universidad del País Vasco). New results from all partners were presented and further steps were discussed. Afterwards, we had a look inside the laboratories of EHU where the cross-linked ionomers for our project are synthesized and characterized. Also a dinner was organized by EHU and we enjoined typical food of Spain and the Basque region.
Kick-off meeting in Chemnitz, Germany

On 08th July 2022 the IMMENSE consortium gathered at the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS (Chemnitz, Germany) for having the Kick-off meeting. The partners are coming from the Czech Republic, Germany, and Spain.
The aim of the project is to impact the production of CCMs (catalyst coated membranes) by material development of a bio-based ionomer and catalyst inkjet ink, the production process via inkjet printing, and the evaluation of the manufactured CCMs combined with simulation of the processes within a fuel cell stack. Supported are these activities by paying attention to market demands.
There will be an annual public online seminar about the progress of the project. If you are interested in this, please use the contact page.
The project IMMENSE was submitted in the call 2021 and granted for funding. The project duration is from July 2022 until June 2025.
Due to the organizational setup of European granting and national funding, there are many organizations involved in funding this project. Detailled funding information can be found on the starting page of the IMMENSE project.